Everybody wants to increase visitors to there website or blogger,for Increasing visitor on your blogger or website you just post your URL to the following bookmarking website these website would be placed in a single website follow me i introduce a a website from where you can submit your URL to these famous Bookmarking like.....
Wirefan.com, Bibsonomy.org, Blinklist.com, Blogmemes.net, Bluedot.us, Myjeeves.ask.com, Simpy.com,Digg.com, Propeller.com, Reddit.com, Del.icio.us, Stumbleupon.com, Socialogs.com, Indianpad.com,Google.com/Bookmarks, Technorati.com, Slashdot.org, Getigadget.com, Furl.net, Diigo.com, much more