Saturday, February 27, 2010

Add A Paypal Donate Button to the Blogger

Adding a Paypal donation button to your blog will give your loyal readers a chance to support
1.First,Log in to your Paypal account.

2.Click on the 'Merchant Services' tab (see at the top of the page).

3.Scroll down the window and you will see an option "Donations" in the right sidebar.Click on it!

4.Now,you will see some options like Donation name/service ,donation id,etc etc...
The first field (Donation name/service) is the only thing that is required and all the remaining fields are optional.
Enter that first field,choose a button style,scroll down the window and click on "Create a button Now"
5.Now,you will see some html code... Copy it and sign in to your blogger dashboard »» Click on the layout »» Add a Page element »» html/javascript »» and paste that html code and SAVE THE CHANGES.

Here is how the button will look in your sidebar

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hide Navbar from Blogger

1.Login to Blogger.
2.On the Blogger Dashboard, click on the Template link of the blog that you want to disable its NavBar. You can also click Customize on NavBar while visiting your blog.

3.The Edit HTML page under Template tab should be loaded. Click on the drop down box beside Change the Blogger NavBar and select Off.

4.Click on SAVE TEMPLATE CHANGES button when done.
Remove and Hide NavBar in Blogger Widget Template

1.Sign in to Blogger.
2.On the Blogger Dashboard, click on the Layout link of the blog that you want to disable its NavBar. You can also click Customize on NavBar while visiting your blog.

3.Under the Layout tab, click on Edit HTML tab to view the template’s HTML code.

4.Search for the following line of code:
Before the line, add in the following line of code:

#navbar { display: none; }


#navbar-iframe { display: none !important; }

5.Click on SAVE TEMPLATE to make the change effective.
Remove and Hide NavBar in Blogger Classic Template

1.Login to Blogger.
2.On the Blogger Dashboard, click on the Template link of the blog that you want to disable its NavBar. You can also click Customize on NavBar while visiting your blog. 3.The Edit HTML page under Template tab should be loaded. If not, go to the tab.
4.Search for the following line of code:


Then, add the following line of code before that line:

#navbar-iframe { display: none; }

The Blogger Classic Template uses iframe to load the NavBar, and styles it with ID named navbar-iframe. The name actually also works for new Blogger Widget Template too.

5.After hiding the Nav Bar in Blogger using Classic Template, there tends to be a gap that replaces the navigation bar. The gap may be white, red, green, blue, or black in color, depends on what is your background color. To remove the gap, find the following code (normally near the top of the HTML):
body {

Add in the following like of code after the body tag:

position: relative;
top: -32px;

6.Click on SAVE TEMPLATE CHANGES button when done.